Friday, May 14, 2010

I've Been Neglecting You

Mi mal. I have 2 concert reviews. Best albums of 2009 listing. 3 album reviews I need to finish. 20 songs I need to write about. I'm starting now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Like Your Feminine Dance Moves, Man

Friendly Fires - Kiss of Life

The Slightest Bit Obsessed

Miike Snow - Animal


I've got you right where I want you. And you're amazing.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dear Katy Perry,

You are the epitome of everything I hate about popular music. You are the exact definition of music containing no substance. You think you're different because you wear high-waisted clothing, but that just makes you yet another loser striving to "break away." Your lack of vocal skills put me on the verge of tears. I laugh my ass off whenever I see you performing live and trying to do runs, despite the fact you don't have the talent to do so. I think it's funny that people call you an "artist." I'll admit to singing along to "Hot N' Cold," but that's probably only because you had some sick subliminal messaging going on in that song. And oh, you may have a nice body, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't cover it up some time. I've seen enough of your thighs and boobs to last me a lifetime.
Please never release any "music," ever again.

Yours truly,

Do These Reindeer Antlers Make Me Look Fat?

I vury much 'preciates the musical cheer that's been occurring as of late. Only 20 days until it's officially uncool that I jam to 96.5 as I do my homework!


DJ Zo should be our guy for the upcoming Winter Ball--assuming he isn't asking for more than $240 for the night. Guy's dope, though! Something about him creates an atmosphere. And guess who's in charge of coordinating his appearance and making him sign a contract -_-? I guess I can find some weird sort of way to put this on my college application as a cool music-related extra curricular. "Coordinator and contractor of DJ's for school social events," doesn't really have a ring to it. Haha.